About Me

Hello and welcome!


I'm Nick De Breuck, for some people known as Rising Liberty.

I'm an Engine Programmer/DevOps Engineer currently employed at Rocksteady in London, UK.

I've been working in the game industry since 2019, after I graduated from Digital Arts & Entertainment in Belgium.

I discovered the beautiful art of programming back in 2015, when I started my studies at Digital Arts & Entertainment. Ever since then I took a deep-dive into C++ and what happens under the hood of a computer.

Most people say I work too much, but I consider working and programming in general as a hobby. Therefore it's not unusual for me to code 12 hours a day, as I just continue after my day job finishes, or I wake up in the night to fix that one bug I had the day before.

Over the years I've been looking more and more into the world as whole and how different systems have to work together, which is why I've been looking into development operations to automate and improve workflows where I could.

C++ is in my heart and soul which is why I decided to join the ISO C++ meeting in Prague in 2020. This was luckily right before covid which is why we were able to have a nice dinner together and take a picture.

I've learned a lot from the gathering, it's very inspiring and I recommend everyone who'd like to see how the language develops to join and share your thoughts and opinions. ISO C++20 - Prague