Rex Standard Library
Rex Standard Library is a custom library written in C++, based on the C++ Standard Library that comes with every major compiler. It is mainly used in the Rex Engine but you can use it for any C++ projects you like as a replacement for the C++ standard library.
You can find the source code of this project here
Most games get developed on Windows machines, and most people who don't work at a company with pre existing code have to use the C++ standard library. the one that comes with MSVC, the default compiler with Visual Studio, is very hard to read and debug.
Another reason why I started developing my own standard library is because the C++ standard library is stuck with choices made decades ago that have proven to be bad. (eg. std::vector
That's why I started writing my own, to resolve the performance issues in the existing C++ standard library that comes with MSVC. I know that other compiler have their own standard library implementations, but not all of them are compatible with each other, meaning that if I wanted to have a cross platform project, sooner or later I had to use the MSVC C++ standard library which I know is slow.
Lastly I also treat it as an experiment to break the dependency on the C standard library. A lot of C code is hidden behind a library, which means this cannot get inlined, which again hurts performance. C also doesn't support function overloading, meaning a lot of similar functions are created (eg. abs, labs, llabs), Rex Standard Library uses C++ overloading support to simplify coding and improve the functions where possible.
Supported headers
Utilities Library
- chrono
- functional
- initializer_list
- optional
- source_location
- type_traits
- utility
Numeric Limits
- cfloat
- cinttypes
- climits
- cstdint
- limits
Error Handling
- assert
Strings Library
- cctype
- format
- array
- vector
Numerics Library
- numbers
Input/Output Library
- ios
- iosfwd
- iostream
- istream
- ostream
- streambuf
Partially supported headers
Utilities Library
- cstddef
- cstdlib
- ctime
Dynamic Memory Management
- memory
Strings Library
- cstring
Containers Library
- forward_list
- list
- map
- multi_map
- set
- unordered_set
Iterator Library
- iterator
Algorithm Library
- algorithm
Numerics Library
- numeric
- cmath
- ratio
Not supported headers
Utilities Library
- csetjmp
- csignal
- cstdarg
Utilities Library
- any
- bitset
- compare
- expected
- typeindex
- typeindex
- variant
- version
Dynamic Memory Management
- memory_resource
- new
- scoped_allocator
Numeric Limits
- stdfloat
Error Handling
- cerrno
- exception
- stacktrace
- stdexcept
- system_error
Strings Library
- charconv
- cuchar
- cwchar
- cwctype
Containers Library
- deque
- flat_map
- flat_set
- mdspan
- queue
- span
- stack
Iterators Library
- ranges
- generator
Ranges Library
- ranges
- generators
Algorithms Library
- execution
Numerics Library
- bit
- cfenv
- complex
- random
- valarray
Localization Library
- clocale
- locale
Input/Library Output
- cstdio
- fstream
- iomanip
- spanstream
- sstream
- syncstream
Filesystem Library
- filesystem
Regular Expressions Library
- regex
Atomic Operations Library
- atomic
Thread support library
- barrier
- condition_variable
- future
- latch
- mutex
- semaphore
- shared_mutex
- stop_token
- thread
Concepts Library
- concepts
Coroutines Library
- coroutines